Begin your Odyssey.

Introducing the comprehensive study abroad app - we take care of the planning, you focus on your adventure.



your travel companion

  • Consolidate all aspects of your experience abroad into one hub.

  • Explore your new home as well as the region around you.

  • Organize high quality trips for you and your friends pain free.


exploration at a glance

  • See where your friends will be when, integrate with the locals, and meet new people.

  • Check out what’s happening around you weather-wise, event-wise, and more.

  • Get personalized recommendations based on your preferences, and view information tailored to your needs.

The more the merrier

  • Effortlessly coordinate with your friends.

  • Build the perfect trip collaboratively and share key points of consideration.

  • Easily keep track of all your plans and their specific details.

Our Team


James Marshall - Co-founder & CEO

James is a senior at Pomona College double majoring in Computer Science and Philosophy. He is especially interested in the flourishing role of artificial intelligence within society, and its growing potential as our assistant across the entire spectrum of human endeavor.

Emma Cole - Co-founder & COO

Emma works in London for a strategic communications advisory firm. She strongly values the outdoors, continuously challenging perspectives and delving into the unknown.

Roxanne Corbin - Lead Designer

Roxanne helped re-think the interface and motive behind Odyssey to become an engaging social platform as the product and visual designer. Taking her knowledge of human-computer interaction and ergonomics, she assisted with the process of making the layout and interaction of the app more seamless and intuitive to the users.

David Peletz - Lead Data Scientist

David is a senior at Macalester College in Saint Paul, MN majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Data Science. He was born and raised in San Francisco. In the future, he plans to focus on conversational AI, NLP, and machine learning. In his free time, he likes to travel, read, scuba dive, and get outdoors.

Nihal Pai - Lead UI/UX Designer

Nihal is a multidisciplinary UI/UX designer & developer based in Boston & Singapore. He likes to focus on developing ideas & creating products that are as functional as they are delightful because in the end, a product is only as great as its users think it is :)


Our Mission

To unite all aspects of the study abroad experience so that you can enjoy this chapter of your life worry-free. Exploring the world, meeting new people and challenging yourself with the unknown takes great courage. Odyssey is here to help you find your way in these unfamiliar waters, and guide you to new shores you’ve only dreamed of.
